Sunday 19 May 2013

Preparing for our travels

After attending our orientation for our trip to Rukungiri we have been so excited to get prepared. And there is still lots to prepare. First on our list is injections, for needle phobic Chipman this is not filling him with much joy! He has been incredibly brave so far and on Tuesday went for our next lot of immunisations. As a mum this process has been difficult. I am taking my son to the doctor to be protected against some pretty nasty and sometimes fatal diseases. Doing everything I can with my mothering instincts in overdrive to protect. I know for Chipman this is the best thing I can do for him before travelling but it also makes me realise how privileged I am. Those we will be serving in Uganda do not have this opportunity, the medicines which we take for granted are not readily accessible. The mother's in Uganda have the same motherly instincts to protect their children as we have here in the UK but only 52% of children in Uganda are fully immunised, which it gives it the lowest immunisations statistics in Eastern Africa. So as I went to the doctor's surgery on Tuesday I am incredibly grateful for the medicines we have available for myself and Chipman but I also had a prayerful heart for those that are not in the same situation as us, in Rukungiri, across Uganda and the world.

If you would like to support Chipman and I in prayer then please pray for us as we continue with our injections, that Chipman will be brave and that all goes smoothly. Also pray for us that God is in control of our fundraising as we are on the final stretch to our end goal. Please pray for all the others on our trip that their preparations go well. Most importantly please lift up in prayer all those in Uganda and across the globe who do not have access to the immunisations they need, that those in control make wise decisions.

As always I value your feedback!

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